ពុទ្ធំ​​ ធម្មំ សង្ឃំ​​​ សរណំគច្ឆាមិ សូមដល់ព្រះពុទ្ធ ព្រះធម៌ និងព្រះសង្ឃជាទីពឹងទីរលឹក


សូមទស្សនានៅបណ្ដាញនេះ ពី​ ភិក្ខុធម្មបាលោ ថនប៊ុនថុន






วันอังคารที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

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19. Compassion to Animals.
In the Buddha's time there were various animal sacrifices taking place in India. Innocent animals were killed as Offerings on sacrificial altars to appease the gods, for man's happiness both here and hereafter. The Buddha, however, showed man that it was impossible to obtain happiness for oneself by causing suffering to others, and that the followers of the Buddha if they were so, should avoid making animal sacrifices. At that time the King of Kosala had seen sixteen terrifying dreams in a single night, and was in great fear. To avert the evil influence of these dreams a great animal sacrifice with the killing of thousands of animals was arranged in accordance with the advice given by the Brahmins. Hearing of this, the Buddha advises the King against such a sacrifice, thus saving the lives of all those doomed creatures. From that day to this, no taking of life however small is involved in any ceremony of the Buddha's followers.

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18. Psychic Therapy.
The Buddha speaking on the mind, has also spoken on mental disorders and on the treatment of psychic ailments. The Buddha has traced sorrow as one of the chief causes leading to the arising of mental disturbances. On the death of her only son, Kisa Gotami loses control of her senses and in her madness goes in search of medicine for her dead child. Failing all else she appeals to the Buddha, who realising that nothing would convince her until her mental equilibrium has been restored, sends her on an errand to get him a few mustard seeds from a house where there has been no death. Unabl to accomplish the Master's request, she comes to the conclusion that death is inevitbale and that her only son too had succumbed to it.

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