ANSWER: Faraday discovered electricity is dead but what he discovered still help us louis pasteur who discovered the cures for so many discovered is dead but his medical discovered still save lives Leonardo da Vinci who created masterpieces of art is dead but what he created can still uplift and give joy Noble men andheroes may have beeds and achievements butwhen we read of their deeds and did yes the Buddha is dead but 2,500 years later his teachings still help people his example still inspires people his words still change lives Only a Buddha could have such a power centuries after his death
วันศุกร์ที่ 1 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553
who was the buddha ?
answera: in the year 543 B.C. a
baby was born into a royal family in the northern india . he grew up in the wealth and luxury but eventauly found that worldly comfort and security do not quarantee happiness . he was deeply moved by the suffering he saw all around _ and resovled to find the key to human happiness .when was 29 he left his wife and child and set off to sit at the feet of great religious teachers of the day to learn from them .they taught him much but none really knew the cause of human suffering and how it could be overcome . eventualy , after six years study and maditation he had experience in which all ignorance fell away and he suddenly understood from that he was called the buddha . the aweken one . he lived for another 45 years in which time he travelled all over the northern india teachings others what he had discovered his compassion
and patience were legandary and he made thousands of followers in his 80 years , old and sick , but still happhy and at peace he finaly died .
question: so buddhism is just a philosophy?
answer : the word philosopy comes from two words 'philo ' which means love and ' sophia' which means 'wisdom ' . so philosophy is the love of wisdom or love and wisdom , both meaning describing buddhism perfectly . buddhism teaches that we should try to develop our intellectual capacity to the fullest so that we can understand clearly. it also teaches us to develop love and kinkness so that we can be like a true friend to all beings . so buddhism is a philosophy but not just philosophy . it is supreme philosophy .
what is buddhism ?
what is Buddhism ?
answer : the name of Buddhism comes from the (budhid) which means to wake up and thus Buddhism is the philosophy of a wakening. this philosophy has it origins in the experience of the Suddhattha Gotama
known as the Buddha who was himself weakened at the age of 35.
Buddhism is now 2,500 years old and has about 300 million followers
world -wide . Until a hundred years ago , Buddhism was mainly an Asian
philosophy but increasingly it is gaining adherents in Europe and America
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